(not just grading at least 1-2 ounces per ton of gold (Au), there must also be a substantial volume). The Comstock made the term "bonanza" famous. Dan de Quille's book, "The Big Bonanza". He was a peer of Mark Twain and author in the Virginia City newspaper Territorial Enterprise where Samuel Clemens began his writing career.Key historic mines from south side to the north of the Comstock Lode.
deposit from 300' to 1500' deep, 1,401,000 tons of ore
$2.063 bil au from 2,063,000 ounces (.679 opt of au)
$ 702 mil of ag from 35.1 mil ounces (31 opt ag)
17 to 1 ratio of silver to gold.
deposit from 100' to 2000' deep, 702,000 tons of ore
$1.405 bil of au from 1,405,000 ounces (2 opt of au)
$ 466 mil of ag from 23,300,000 ounces (31 opt ag)
16.5 to 1 ratio of silver to gold.
deposit from surface to 900' deep, 273,000 tons of ore
$260 mil of au from 260,000 ounces (1.05 opt of au)
$ 88.8 mil of ag from 4.44 mil ounces ( .06 opt ag)
17 to 1 ratio of silver to gold.
Reverse Circulation Drill Rig on Comstock property in 2008 across state road 342 from the Lucerne Pit with Hartford Hill above it. Billy the Kid open pit at upper middle left behind the truss of the drill set at a 60 degree incline.
Other Key Comstock Bonanzas
Becker Maps book and other historical books have maps of the properties.
There is historic map in the SEC files for Goldspring Inc.
deposit from the surface to 500' deep, 165,000 tons of ore
$550 mil of au from 550,000 ounces (3 opt of au)
__$2 bil of ag from 100 mil ounces (606 opt ag)
18 to 1 ratio of silver to gold.
deposit from 1500' to 1800' deep, 1,300,000 tons of ore
$ 490mil of au from 490,000 ounces (2.65 opt of au)
$1.624 bil of ag from 81,200,000 oz ag (62.5 opt ag)
165 to 1 ratio of silver to gold.
deposit from the surface to 900' deep, 788,000 tons of ore
$856 mil of au from 856,000 ounces (92 opt of au)
$480 mil of ag from 24 mil ounces (30.4 opt ag)
28 to 1 ratio of silver to gold.
deposit from 600' to 1600' deep, 320,000 tons of ore
$213 mil of au from 213,000 ounces (1.5 opt of au)
$120 mil of ag from 6 mil ounces (18 opt ag)
28 to 1 ratio of silver to gold.
deposit from the surface to 700' deep, 557,000 tons of ore
$360 mil of au from 360,000 ounces (1.54 opt of au)
$202 mil of ag from 10.1 mil ounces (28 opt ag)
28 to 1 ratio of silver to gold.
Au (Gold) grades were 0.3 - 2.65 OPT. A bonanza is not just defined by OPT only. A bonanza must also be a substantial body of gold ore.
The Comstock used numerous stamping mills with mercury at the base to separate the gold grains from the quartz. Stamping mills are so loud they can be heard from miles away.
Ag (Silver) grades were 0.06 to 606 OPT.
That's what made the financial total of silver close to gold - large quantities of silver, hence The Silver State was nicknamed because of the Comstock.